

Rear Bumper Parking Assistance System for Trucks

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  • Regular price $244.95

Designed around the reliable components that customers have come to expect from the BackZone name, BackZone Truck advances the usability of the product line for trucks.

25-Foot Truck Harness

Ultrasonic parking assistance systems typically require the use of harness extensions when being installed in trucks. These extensions introduce multiple points of failure and signal interference. That all changes with BackZone Truck. Each BackZone Truck system includes a weather-proof 25’ harness designed to connect the four bumper-mounted ultrasonic sensors to the BackZone control module in a single run.

Redesigned BackZone Control Module

The BackZone control module packaged with the BackZone Truck system includes an internal electronics redesign necessary to transmit interference-free signals from the bumper-mounted ultrasonic sensors along the 25-foot harness - an industry first.

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